The Blog's New Student Editorial Committee

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Welcome to the Liberal Arts blog! This is an introductory post so that you can meet our team and find out what roles they will be taking on. We are all Liberal Arts students and are excited to hear what you have to say. We will shortly be rebranding and creating social media accounts to follow us on so watch this space!

My name is Mia, I am a third-year student on an English Literature pathway, and I am the co-editor and a commissioning editor for the blog. I have enjoyed the flexibility of the course in allowing me to take modules from History and music alongside English, and I look forward to collaborating with students from these subjects on this platform. Outside of the University, my main interests are in making, playing and listening to music. I also love to bake, read and enjoy long walks in Bristol’s many beautiful green spaces. I am excited to read and be a part of the future contributions to this blog, as Liberal Arts is such a varied course, and everyone will have something unique to contribute! Look forward to hearing from you all. 

Hi, my name is Isobel and I am the co-editor of the blog along with Mia. We will oversee and edit the posts so that they all share a collective voice. I’m a second-year Liberal Arts student on the History pathway but I also enjoy studying English Literature and Art History at Bristol. In my spare time I enjoy playing music, doing ballet and taking photos. As well as this, I am passionate about the environment and politics. 

My name’s Aisha and I’m a second-year student on the English pathway. I enjoy writing and working with words. I’ll be one of a few subeditors for the blog, proof reading and getting work ready for publishing. I’m looking forward to helping students get their work out there and to sharing our unique perspectives on the world! 

Hi there, I'm Sophie - an English major and passionate theatre advocate. I make sure I know everything that's going on in the Bristol performing arts scene! My role as Theatre/Music commissioning editor means that I'm therefore on the lookout for great performances, talks, gigs, screenings, events etc. to review and bring discussion to. My sub-role as artistic director also means that I have a say in the creative aspect of the blog. 


Hi, I’m Freya and I’m in my second year of Liberal Arts at Bristol! I am a sub- and commissioning editor for the blog this year so I will be doing a lot of work behind the scenes to make sure our posts are accurate and the content is topical. Since I major in English, my commissions will likely revolve around literature, language and everything in between. I’m particularly interested in poetry and transnational texts that afford insights into  unfamiliar cultures. Having said that, my main focus is to encourage our contributors to showcase their interests and creativity, in whatever form they may come, so please don’t hesitate to pitch your ideas! 


Hi all, I’m Lily and I’m one of the commissioning editors for the Liberal Arts blog! I’ll be in charge of the Film and Television section, so all things film and TV, I want to hear about it! I’m really excited to get started and showcase the talents of Liberal Arts students. 

Hi, my name is Jules and I am in second year on the English Lib Arts pathway. My role on the blog is marketing director so I work alongside Angela (artistic director) to promote the blog online. Outside of the university I am an avid shark activist and spend a lot of time on or in the sea as well as playing music. 

My name is Angela, I'm originally from Peru but have lived in many places including Colombia and Spain! I am currently in my second year of Liberal Arts, but I am also taking part in many societies like FUZE, Pole Dancing, and the Liberal Arts Creatives societies. I am the artistic director for the Liberal Arts blog which means my role is very presentation based. Along with the views and motivations of everyone else on the committee I create and design the aesthetic of the blog, pictures, and overall look of the brand. I'm so excited to be working with everyone and seeing what we all bring to the table! 


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