Arts in the Age of Data: Fast Fashion

If we want to challenge and disrupt long-held assumptions about the world around us, we increasingly need to tell our stories through data and reveal the limits of other people’s numbers. With this in mind, Bristol Liberal Arts students take the Arts in the Age of Data unit in their second year, which empowers us to become critical citizens in this digital age.

During the unit, we work in teams to apply quantitative research methods to topics that matter to us. In a series of blog posts, we will be displaying some of the outputs of these data projects.Below Kirsty Duff, Ayesha Mitchell and Felicity Williams present their infographic on fast fashion.

This infographic displays research regarding Fast Fashion in the 21st Century with a core focus on potential impacts on the environment, COVID-19's effect on this industry, and what the future of Fast Fashion may involve. The conclusion details the necessity for sustainability within the clothing industry and a number of Acts that have been past in the last decade that aim to promote worker rights and eradicate child labour, as well as emphasising the need for supply chain transparency within the Fast Fashion industry.

By Kirsty Duff, Ayesha Mitchell and Felicity Williams


Arts in the Age of Data: Funding and Olympic Success