Scatting Practice

‘Miffed fellow’, Eve Sakai-James

If I were to slip into a black hole that took me to another dimension, 

The first thing I’d say to the life forms I came across would be, 


And then I’d probably get a hold of myself 

And sing them a tune to see if they could hear me. 


There’s lots to love about Earth, but 

A few intergalactic holidays a year would help me, I think.  



‘Cosmic critter’, Eve Sakai-James

Yes, perhaps I could get a similar existential reality check

By building myself a little shack in the Arctic 

And using my cosmic vocal cords 

To croon to snowy foxes 

And cry for mercy to miffed polar bears.  


I could move to a hole in the ground on some isolated islet 

—the Pacific has been a lifelong source of titillation— 

Where I’d find myself a shrubbed audience for my scatting practice. 





night-club love-letter to a stranger


How do Mountains? Walking poems from Northern Camino de Santiago